Tips for Preparing Your Application:The V2A application is designed not only to be a vehicle for receiving a grant, but also a planning tool to help guide you if your proposal receives a positive response.
Tip 1: Use the Application Resources You are encouraged to preview:
Don’t forget that all applicants must have participated in a V2A Introductory Workshop. Further, all congregations that apply must (1) have made a Mission Support pledge and been fulfilling it; (2) be current on submitting annual Trend Reports; and (3) participate in both the Synod Assembly and the Conference on Ministry. Note: Eligible applicants may submit one application per grant season. The V2A Grant Team may decide to award a proposal partial funding. Tip 2: Compile Your Info Before Completing the Application As part of your application, you are required to upload financial information. All applicants must provide the most recent actual annual balance sheet, as well as actual Income and Expense statements for the most recent three years of operation. The statements can be documents used by a Finance Committee or board or can be a summary page drawn from a congregation’s or organization’s Annual Report.
You are encouraged to gather information and compile your answers before you sit down to complete the online application. This way, the data input process will go more smoothly and efficiently. Notice there are word count guidelines for many of the questions. Rest assured your response can be less or more than this number. The word count is listed simply to convey the level of detail the Grant Team is looking for in a particular question. Note that 100 words is roughly a paragraph. |
Click here to start your application!Deadline to submit grant applications: July 15, 2024. |
Tip 3: Conduct Thorough Research for Your Budget
The Grant Team wants to help you feel confident you have sufficient financial resources assembled to be successful. Your budget will require research so that it reflects the actual costs of supplies and services you anticipate needing. The following examples can give you an idea of the level of detail V2A is looking for:
Once a project is approved, you will be expected to maintain receipts and an expense log so that you can track your expenditures against your budget. You will also be required to complete a final report of actual expenditures, once your project is complete.
Remember that V2A does not fund ongoing salaries, but will consider the costs for consultants, trainers and new staff whose salaries will be sustained through other resources after the grant period has ended. Likewise, capital expenditures will be considered only as they relate directly to the project. V2A is not a building program and does not start new congregations. Think about the resources you have, and the resources you need. If the project is intended to be sustained beyond the life of the grant, be prepared to describe how it will be supported both financially and organizationally. |
You will be notified of the decision regarding your grant proposal by November 1, 2024.